
Noise Survey - 1 to 50 Employees

Was R7083.08 Excl VAT
R6854.84 Excl VAT

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  • 1 x noise survey
  • Conducted by SafetyWallet partner
  • Conducted in accordance with the requirements of Regulation 7 of the Noise-Induced Hearing Loss Regulations
  • Conducted according to the SANS 10083 standard methodology
  • Full report feedback, determining workplace noise values and identifying areas of concern
  • User input requirements: proposed survey assessment date(s)
  • Please note that the price of this product/service may vary based on travel and accommodation costs.
  • Item delivery: subject to availability of SafetyWallet partner for conducting the survey, thereafter usually 6 to 8 weeks for a standard report


This noise survey is conducted to determine the noise levels of areas within a workplace in order to ensure employee exposure to noise is within acceptable limits. The survey results also ensure that noise levels comply with health and safety requirements, in particular, Regulation 7 of the Noise-Induced Hearing Loss Regulations.

Using a standardised methodology, SANS 10083, noise levels are determined and potential areas of concern are identified.  A detailed report is then compiled and submitted with recommendations for resolving or improving any concerns identified.

This survey is aimed at small organisations whose employee site count is one to fifty (1 to 50) employees.


This survey is intended for all companies who wish to determine their workplace noise levels status or who are required to conduct a noise survey(s) within their organisation.


This survey is important because it determines the noise levels occurring within a workplace. Prolonged exposure to high noise levels in the workplace can lead to employees suffering from temporary or permanent noise-induced hearing loss. Prolonged noise can also be distracting and annoying to employees and have a negative impact on production and the quality of work produced by an organisation. 

A noise survey allows the employer to determine areas where noise may be harmful, to identify machinery that may generate high levels of noise and to determine employees who may be exposed to prolonged and high noise levels. From this, an employer can resolve any noise concerns that may exist, ensuring that employees are kept healthy and safe and important health and safety legislation is complied with.


By having this noise survey conducted an organisation will gain the following benefits:

An understanding of the organisation's noise levels in their workplace and their compliance with legislation.

An understanding of the main noise level concerns that the organisation has to resolve or improve upon.

Comprehensive feedback on noise levels within the workplace and recommendations for any concerns that require resolution.


Please note that the price of this product/service may vary based on travel and accommodation costs. We strive to provide the most accurate and competitive pricing, but fluctuations in these expenses may impact the final price. We will communicate any changes in cost transparently and work closely with you to ensure the best value for your investment.

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