
Dust Survey - 1 to 50 Employees

Was R7083.08 Excl VAT
R6854.84 Excl VAT

How to qualify for a discount?


  • 1 x Dust survey
  • Conducted by SafetyWallet partner
  • Conducted in accordance with the requirements of the Hazardous Chemical Agents Regulations
  • Conducted according to the MDHS 14/4 methodology
  • Full report feedback, determining workplace dust exposure values and identifying areas of concern
  • User input requirements: proposed survey assessment date(s)
  • Please note that the price of this product/service may vary based on travel and accommodation costs.
  • Item delivery: subject to availability of SafetyWallet partner for conducting the survey, thereafter usually 6 to 8 weeks for a standard report


This dust survey is conducted to determine the exposure of employees to dust in the workplace in order to ensure their exposure to airborne dust is below the limits determined by legislation.

Using the MDHS 14/4 methodology, the survey will be conducted in accordance with the Hazardous Chemical Agents Regulations (HCA) to determine the total inhalable dust concentration. The samples are analysed by a SANAS accredited laboratory and the results are compared to the exposure limits detailed in the HCA schedule.  A detailed report is then compiled and submitted with recommendations for resolving or improving any concerns identified.

This survey is aimed at small organisations whose employee site count one to fifty (1 to 50) employees.


This survey is intended for all companies who wish to determine the exposure of their employees to airborne dust in the workplace or who are required to conduct a dust survey(s) within their organisation.


This survey is important because it determines the exposure of their employees to airborne dust in the workplace. Dust contains small solid particles (with size ranges of between 1 - 100 microns) that are suspended in air and which gradually settle out under the effects of gravity. They can take the form of mineral dust, metallic dust, chemical dust, organic and vegetable dust and even biohazards and can cause a wide number of occupational diseases (at higher levels of exposure) and associated non-respiratory illnesses (at lower levels of exposure). The small particle sizes of dust particles make them hazardous because they are able to enter and reach critical areas of the respiratory tract, lungs and other areas of the body. 

A dust survey allows the employer to determine indoor air quality in the workplace and so identify and resolve any air quality concerns that may exist, ensuring that employees work in a comfortable, safe breathing environment that reduces adverse health effects on employees and ensures that important health and safety legislation is complied with.


By having this dust survey conducted an organisation will gain the following benefits:

An understanding of the organisation's indoor air quality levels in their workplace and their compliance with legislation.

An understanding of the main indoor air quality concerns that the organisation has to resolve or improve upon.

Comprehensive feedback on indoor air quality levels within the workplace and recommendations for any concerns that require resolution.


Please note that the price of this product/service may vary based on travel and accommodation costs. We strive to provide the most accurate and competitive pricing, but fluctuations in these expenses may impact the final price. We will communicate any changes in cost transparently and work closely with you to ensure the best value for your investment.

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